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Educational Rules

Educational Rules for the School Year 20242025

1. Admission

Students are admitted to the groups in order of enrollment or by decision of the Principal. Advanced studies are applied through a selection process or with the recommendation of the teacher.

2. Registration

The school year consists of the autumn and spring semesters. Enrollment is for the entire school year and is valid for both of the fall and spring semesters. Upon enrollment, the student / guardian is committed to paying the tuition fees for the school year for which the student has enrolled. New students can try out dance lessons free of charge for one time.

3. Cancellation Policy

A cancellation of class must be made in writing to the office within two weeks of the beginning of the autumn semester or of the student’s enrollment in the middle of semester. If the student does not continue for the spring semester, the cancellation must be made by December 15th in writing to the office. Tuition fees are not refundable for students who stop attending the classes in the middle of the semester.

In Early Dance Education (under the school age), the newly enrolled students may cancel their enrollment in writing to the office within four weeks of the start of the school year or enrollment. In this case, only attended classes will be charged.

An unused student seat that has not been canceled by the due date will be charged €50.

4. Payments

The student pays a tuition fee according to the price list for the classes enrolled.

Invoices are delivered as e-invoices or by post at the beginning of the semester. Invoices have due dates. The student / guardian should contact the office to arrange a payment arrangement if needed.

A payment reminder will be charged with addition of €10. All unattended payments shall be transferred to the debt collection agency.

In case of previous recorded payment defaults, the student’s tuition fees must be paid in full before the beginning of the new semester. Due to unpaid tuition fees, students may be denied access to classes.

Family discount €20

Granted to the second and subsequent residents of the same household.

Supplement for the outside locality students €15

Supplement for the outside locality students is added to the tuition of students living outside Kerava or Sipoo.

Certificate of studies €10

Students can obtain a certificate of their studies from their office. For current students, the certificate is free. For former students, the certificate costs €10.

5. Right to make modifications

The Dance Institute has the right to modify teaching schedules and teachers. If there are not enough students enrolled in the group, the institute has the right to terminate the group. In this case, only the lessons held will be charged.

Tuition can be arranged in other forms such as remote education and in different locations when needed. For example different kinds of digital platforms and tools can be used as well as students be encouraged to take more responsibility in their learning. This type of education may be synchronous or asynchronous.

A lesson that falls on a moving midweek holiday (Independence Day and May Day) is not organized, but the students can replace the lesson with another lesson that suits them.

One canceled lesson during the semester can be arranged so that the student is sent to another teaching group instead.

6. Absences

Individual absences can be compensated during the same semester, either earlier or later, during easier level lessons or at the same level lessons as there is room. Absence may be compensated one month before the absence. Autumn semester absences must be compensated by the end of January.

The right for compensations applies only to regular scheduled dance lessons. Short courses cannot be compensated. One also cannot compensate dance lessons in short courses. The right for lessons for the absences is personal and the student must be attending during the current semester.

Adjustments to the tuition fee may be agreed if the absence due to illness lasts longer than six weeks. You can apply for a change of tuition fee in the case of extensive studies already after four weeks of absence. Absence shall be subject to the presentation of a medical certificate. Adjustments to the tuition fee can be available from the day the office is contacted.

Occasional absences do not need to be reported to the office. Your teacher will give you further instructions if they need to be notified of absences.

7. Insurances

The Dance Institute has insured the students against accidents in the Kerava Dance Institute’s hobby activities as well as in the immediate travel associated with the above-mentioned activities.

8. Liability

The teacher’s responsibility towards the students is limited to the lesson. The guardian is responsible for their child in the dressing room. The Kerava Dance Institute is not responsible for the personal property of the students.

9. Rules and regulations

All activities of the Kerava Dance Institute are subject to the rules and regulations, which are displayed on the Institute’s website.

10. Arrival to class

Classes begin at the stated time. There is a short pause between two consecutive lessons during group changes. Information and presence are noted at the beginning of the lesson. A student who is late for warm-up can be transferred to be a spectator for occurring lesson.

11. Performances

Dance groups perform once a school year. Performance is counted as one teaching session, once per semester. Extensive line students who practice several times a week perform more frequently. Performance requires regular participation in classes and exercises. Abundant absences may be the reason why a student may not participate. Dance shows are events with an entry fee.

12. Performance tours

During performance tours Kerava Dance Institute pays the salary of the teacher guiding the group and the insurance for the participants. Pupils pay other participation fees and travel costs. The board of the Kerava Dance Institute Support Association may grant a discretionary travel grant to the group.

13. Permission to photograph and publish

When registering, a student’s permission to photograph and publish is requested. All material we publish is carefully selected and we will not publish inappropriate material in any form.

14. Personal Curriculum

Basic and advanced studies in dance arts include a number of hours as per the curriculum. Students who do not attend all the lessons included in the curriculum follow a personalized curriculum.

15. Personalization of teaching

The syllabus can be personalized to match the student’s study and learning requirements. The staff is bound by professional secrecy.

16. Privacy Statement

See here (in Finnish).

17. Complaints

Complaints shall be made in writing to the board of the Kerava Dance Institute Support Association. In the event of a dispute, the student may turn to the Consumer Disputes Board.

Board of Kerava Dance Institute Supporting Association April 17, 2024.

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